The start to our adventure with Poodles was pretty typical, we were looking for a dog that was hypoallergenic, smart, loyal, and had a certain "presence" about them. All of these desires kept steering us in the direction of the poodle, and although we weren't sold immediately, we haven't looked back since. We are very new to the breed, only getting our first poodle in 2021, but we are passionate and strive to do the breed justice and educate the public about the wonders of poodles.

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Our Poodles
O'So Sharp Laced In Grace "Vera"

Vera is our only poodle at the moment and we are hoping she will be a very strong foundation for Silhouette Poodles. We chose Vera due to her conformation, out going personality, and breeding. Her sire has quite the list of accomplishments and is still competing despite his age. Vera's dam may not have been in the conformation ring, but has held her own in the obedience ring. Vera is what we truly think is the best of both worlds, and is almost a complete outcross to popular lines in todays conformation ring. We are very excited to see what direction she takes our program.
DOB: 07/01/2021
Color: Black
Height: 24 Inches
Weight: 43 LBS

Vera's Sire: CH Jed's EE Cummings Colondo VCD2 BN RM RAE2 JH FDC NF THD CGC
(Owned by: Barbra Tucker & Shirley Roberts)
OFA Results:
Not Yet Complete
Updated Pictures of Vera are Coming Soon!

Vera's Dam: Sharps's Onyx CGCA CGCU TKN VHMA
(Owned by: Vanessa Sharp-Wahl)
(CH Jed's E E Cummings Colando VCD2 BN JH CGC FN FDC RM RAE2 X Sharp's Onyx CGCA CGCU TNK VHMA BN)
We are in the process of planning our first litter of Standard Poodles for the Fall/Winter of 2024. This litter is dependent of the OFA test results and show career of Vera who will be the dam to the planned litter.
Please reach out to us if you would like to be added to our puppy contact list for updates.